One of Portland's last good used and rare small bookstores. Open afternoons Monday through Saturday 1-5. Call us at 503 239-5222 or visit our website at
Ain't Portland Grand
Thank you very much for taking the time to look at us. We are a small business doing our best to have a great time while providing things of interest to our customers. We have lots of strange/esoteric/fun things to look at, in addition to a great selection of used and rare books. We would love to see you in person and encourage you to come into the store, located at 1401 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202-1139. We are here in the afternoons Monday through Saturday.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My first music tip- Diane Birch
So I'm interested in music, as we all are. I spent a while refining my tastes and seeking out things that I like/which interest me. When you come into the store I might be playing anything from Prince, Aretha, Etta James, Van Morrison, Frightened Rabbit or something more obscure. That being said, if customers are in the store I normally lean towards more accessible, less funky/distracting music. I am a big fan of all kinds of music and feel obligated to endorse a friend's music, in case you haven't heard of her. Her name is Diane Birch and she was born in South Africa before moving to Los Angeles and living in Portland off and on, which is where she met a friend of mine and eventually me. She put out an album last year on S-Curve Records (Tom Jones' record label- awesome). She's a very talented pianist, writes all her own music, and is the proud owner of a beautiful voice. Her website is and the cd is entitled 'Bible Belt'. I highly recommend you checking out her site, cd and everything else you can find. She is an extraordinarily talented woman and a great person to boot. Last thing: She played a show here and in Seattle last weekend and I got to see both of them. I took the photo posted above, and I will embed a couple of videos, including one featuring her singing with Daryl Hall from Hall and Oates (awesome again!). Also, my friend Colin referenced us on his blog, located at He is an extremely creative and talented DJ, graphic artist and person. If you go to his site and search for Longfellows you will pull up a short post on the store with some photos.
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